Sunday, November 8, 2009

Tú Magazine Interview

Credit goes to Twilight Poison for scaning and translating!


This saga has knocked off major franchises from the top; it seems there’s nothing more than New Moon now. How do you feel about Twilight’s success covering the entire world?
Kellan: It’s very rewarding to have this many fans, who have given us all their support. As actors we try to give them our best.
Nikki: I think Kellan just answered for all of us. Twilight has been a huge success that we were not expecting. we’re very grateful.

Jackson, as Jasper, do you feel passion for the role you play in this movie? The fans know the books very well and can’t wait to see your work.
Jackson: Twilight fans are very devoted, they notice every little detail about the characters in the books, and they’re very aware of what’s going on during filming, which is amazing.

Have any of you ever lived an impossible love story like Edward and Bella’s?
A love as obsessive as theirs, no. But when I was younger I did have a love like that. Fortunately, time makes you grow mentally and physically, so now I look for a balance when I have someone special.

Do you have anything in common with your characters?

Nikki: I have a similar style to Rosalie, but I’m definitely more femenine than her.
Kellan: Nikki is just as gorgeous as her character Rosalie, and personally I love Emmett, especially when the script asks me to get more and more depressed, or when it asks me to kick butts. That’s the fun part.
Jackson: All my family is from Lousiana and Texas, so I’m used to that whole school methodology. And growing up like a Southern gentleman is everything I could be, so I feel very close to my character.

What’s the best thing about being a vampire?
Kellan: You never sleep, so that lets you do many different things, and your To-Do list is always empty. The bad ting is that you can’t get a tan, and you need an umbrella everytime you go out in te sun. There’s also the whole idea of being eternal and not dying that is not very appealing to me, because the fact that we know we are all going to die one day is what makes us live everyday to the fullest. However, living in different eras makes you see how history repeats itself, how the world changes for better or for worse. If I had been a vampire I would’ve loved to live the 50’s, the 60’s, the 70’s, the 80’s…. I love those times and I would’ve loved to live in them and see today how far we’ve come. That would be cool.
Nikki: I think they’re strength it’s amazing, for me.

Speaking of fans, what is the most forward thing they’ve ever said to you?
Jackson: I’ve had marriage proposals, which is nice. In fact, I’ve created files and I classify them as “Yes, probably. I’d like her to be my future ex-wife… my second ex-wife” (laughs).
Kellan: We actually thought of making a reality show for Jackson called ‘Who wants to marry a vampire?’, with all his marriage proposals and the girls who adore him, it would be great!
Nikki: The fact that I’m in a film with mostly guys and the majority of the fans being between 10 and 30, makes it a little difficult for me to receive as many marriage proposals as they do. I get perhaps two or three via e-mail, which I’ve kept because they make me feel good.

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