Sunday, December 6, 2009

Kellan nearly arrested

Twilight star Kellan Lutz risked arrest daily while shooting mini-series Generation Kill in Mozambique because local militia hated the idea of having American actors on their doorstep.

The actor and his castmates had to pack wads of cash whenever they left the security of their living quarters, so they could bribe soldiers to leave them alone and not arrest them.

He reveals, "In Mozambique, they'd just had their civil war about 10 years and we're walking down the street and there are guys strapped with AK-47s (guns) and we're American. If we left the hotel we'd get arrested. They'd call you over... and you don't wanna run, 'cause they'll shoot you... They'll be like, 'You're coming to jail,' and you'd be like, 'How much money can I give you to not go to jail...?' We hid money everywhere because if you go the market you get stopped three times and, if you don't have money, you're screwed... I can't believe we all made it back safely."

After a while, Lutz and his castmates just stayed in their hotel: "We partied a lot."

Source: StarPulse

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