Monday, December 7, 2009

Entertainment Weekly [MQ & Untagged]

New Vanity Fair (2008) Outtake

New Rob Portrait

Click for bigger!

UK Release of Remember Me

The UK release date for ‘Remem­ber Me’ will be April 2, 2010.

New Moon DVD to be released in February/2010?

Twilight Source found an article on Yahoo that reports the release of the New Moon DVD in February 2010.

Mattel also recently announced that they would be releasing a Taylor-inspired Jacob Black Barbie doll (with major plastic abs) when the "New Moon" DVD is released in February 2010.

Access Hollywood was the first to mention the February release in this article.

The Twilight DVD was released in March 2009, four months after the premiere of the movie.

Who is excited for the DVD extras?

This site reports the release date around March 24th.


Ok! Enough is enough!! Pictures of Robert harrassed by Paparazzii came up again on Friday night. And it came MORE WORSE! Though we are totally against those pictures, we want to describe, what we felt, seeing those pictures: 

He hid his face, reacted against it like never before. We felt for him SO much! Now came up with an idea we sure want to spread, follow and help!! 

He doesn't want this, neither do we!!

The fans FiGHT BACK!!

You can help as follows:

[...] Here’s our way of fight­ing back, in less than 24 hours we were able to get 570+ pics of fans pos­ing with their arms over their face to show their protest. This is our way of say­ing leave him alone. We’re hop­ing this mes­sage gets across to the paps. Fans from all over the world sent in pics and trans­lated quotes. [...]

So go to , join us all and help Rob!!

Another way to show your respect:

Add the twiribbon “respect rpattz” to your twitter avi here
or here from RobsButtonsBabe

Sign the petition here
