Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Eclipse Press Junket Confirmed

The press junket for Eclipse will be June 12-13 in LA. Coincidentally, it will be on the same weekend as the Official Twilight Convention which is also being held in LA. Rob, Kristen, and Taylor will be in attendance at both events!


1st Look at the Eclipse Deluxe Soundtrack

The soundtrack is released on June 8th in stores and online.

CD bundle | Digital

Via Twifans

Eclipse & Rob in CinemanĂ­a Mag (Spain)

Image and video 
hosting by<br /> TinyPic

Exclusive 'Eclipse' Clip To Debut Tonight at National Movie Awards

A world exclusive clip of The Twilight Saga: Eclipse will debut at tonight's National Movie Awards, Digital Spy has learned.

The footage will allegedly be delivered by secure escorted courier just hours before the ceremony begins at London's Royal Festival Hall.

Eclipse, opening in the UK on July 9, is nominated for the 'Most Anticipated Movie Of The Summer' honour at the NMAs, while New Moon and franchise stars Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner are up for the 'Fantasy' and separate 'Performance Of The Year' gongs respectively.

The National Movie Awards will air tonight from 8pm on ITV1. Stars including Tom Cruise, Diane Kruger, Chris Rock, Emma Watson, Gwyneth Paltrow and Daniel Radcliffe are expected to attend.


Old/New Pictures of Rob at Regis and Kelly - Nov/09


Tracy's report:

These were taken at the Regis and Kelly Show on 11/19/2009. I won tick ets through the Twit ter con test R and K had. The close up pics are when he signed auto graphs dur ing the com mer cial break. I unfor tu nately didn’t get a pic with him. I got close enough to stand near him but it was sooo crazy and he had 2 — 3 body guards on him. Time was also lim ited as he had to go back to tape the 2nd seg ment. Pic or no pic just get ting to stand near him and see him in per son was a thrill of a life time. They do not let you take pics with a flash when film ing so some of the pics are grainy and blurry. I think their light ing also added to the poor qual ity. They taped his seg ment the same day which aired the next day.

Source via Thinking Of Rob

Rob & His Mom Designed Artwork for Missing Children's Auction

Be a part of PACT with STARS by bidding until June 5th on fantastic artwork by your favorite celebrities. Or get them all; buy our beautiful commemorative coffee-table book of the full collection on eBay. All proceeds will go toward our fight to find missing children and bring them home.

Source & Source

Old/New Picture From Montepulciano

Source via [info]lion_lamb

New Eclipse Promo Images - From Puzzle Game


[info]twiboys via [info]kstewrobfans

93 new/old fan pictures
