Sunday, October 11, 2009

Rob will be in Japan - Fan meeting on Nov 3rd

Rob and Chris Weitz will be in fan meeting in Tokyo, Japan on Nov. 3rd.

We (who registered at Twilighter's SQUARE) just received an email from Kadokawa Entertainment, rep. for Summit in Japan.

Twilighter's SQUARE:

Following are the brief translation of what we heard.

-----Translation of the official mail magazine-----

Limited to 400 fans!

Get "Ultimate Twilighter's Ticket" for the earliest screening of New Moon and Fan Meeting with Robert Pattinson!

Robert Pattinson and Chris Weitz will be at Fan Meeting to meet you.

They will be selecting and certifying 2 fans as True Twilighters.

Selected fans will be invited to New Moon LA Premiere!

All of the fans attending the meeting will get some New Moon goodies.

[How do we get ticket?]

Fee: 10,000JPY (approx. $111USD)

Ticket release date: Oct. 18th

Box Office: Ticket PIA

More details are to be announced later in Twilighter's SQUARE.

[Earliest Screening of New Moon]

Date: Nov. 17th

Time: Open at 18:00. Movie starts at 19:00

Location: Shinjuku Picadilly Theatre

[Fan Meeting]

Date: Nov. 3rd

Time: Open at 18:00. Meeting starts at 18:30

Location: Tokyo (place is to be announced later)

Stars: Robert Pattinson and Chris Weitz

TV and the other media are invited at the meeting for photos, etc.

-----End of the translation of the official mail magazine-----

Info via Seiko at Source

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