Thursday, March 4, 2010

Kellan Is Scared Of Freddy In ‘A Nightmare On Elm Street’

While Kellan Lutz plays a scary creature in the “Twilight Saga” – if you call a vegetarian vampire scary, that is — it’s his next role in the “A Nightmare on Elm Street” remake that has him really frightened. You see, it seems Lutz’s connection to the flick and its bad guy, Freddy Krueger, runs all the way to his childhood.

“That was one of the movies that actually scared me growing up,” Lutz told MTV News about the 1984 remake, due out on April 30. “My brothers were the biggest threat growing up with all the poundings, but Jason and Chucky weren’t too scary. I laughed at them. Clowns are funny to me.”

Source: MTV

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