Sunday, March 21, 2010

Peyton List Talks About Rob - He couldn't lift the fire extinguisher!

QF: What was it like working with Rob? Did you feel starstruck?

Peyton: I really didn't, but one girl was shaking and crying!

QF: What was the most challenging scene to shoot?

Peyton: The most challenging scene to shoot was probably the one where Caroline comes into school, and I start picking on her. Rob had to throw a fire extinguisher out the window, so it was kind of crazy.

QF: Were there any bloopers or embarrassing moments while filming?

Peyton: Rob grabbed the fire extinguisher and couldn’t lift it. It was too heavy and he fell to the ground! He wasn't hurt or anything, but he was laughing. They had to empty it and make it lighter.

Full interview at the source

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